Texas and sourrounding area


New Member
ok I know that the storm is not yet over but all living in and around the affected areas please let us know you are ok when you have the chance


New Member
We're all good here. I just posted some pics I took driving aroudn the neigborhood this morning.

Thanks for the prayers folks. We got VERY lucky.



New Member
Yep, so far the worst experiences from friends/family have been the ones that tried to evac.

Our best friend had Austin City Limit's tickets, (huge music festival), for this weekend, so she decided to take off early, and take her cats with her. She left here at 6am. She didn't get to where she was staying in Austin until about 2:30am. She took about 2hrs out in columbus around 8pm at her parent's to eat and de-stress a bit from riding all day in a hot car with two pissed off, hot cats. Even subtracting those two hours it took her about 18hrs to make a trip that would normally take 3. It also ate up nearly an entire tank of gas, when it normally takes half a tank.

My parents left at 5am Thursday morning. At 9am, when they called me they'd only made it about 5 miles. I called them back at 11am, and they'd only made it a couple more miles. When I checked in at 8pm, they'd made it to Sealy, which is an outlying suburb. At 11pm, they'd made it to the far side of San Antonio and had finally been able to gas up the vehicles, and eat. This should normally be about a 3.5 hour trip.


All in all, sticking here to babysit tanks, with my father in law, and wife, with a ton of water, 90+ gallons at our house alone, a ton of food, a small generator, lots of batteries, with a dozen friends in the neighborhood at another place that is a huge concrete cube, with enough water for everyone for over a week seemed like a much better idea than trying to evac.

BUT...That's because we live in a neighborhood that's high-ground. And we all have a lot of practice working together and preparing for living without electricity for weeks at a time.



New Member
Actually we have a family reunion next weekend in Arizona. They were supposed to head out for it on Friday morning, and decided to go early. They hoped that by leaving at 5am they'd miss some of the traffic out. They were wrong.

They spent the night in Kerrville, with some friends, then headed back out the next morning. They made it to AZ sometime late last night. They're tired, but they're doing fine. Thansk for asking.



New Member
I heard on T.V. (Fox) that Houston would be without power for 1 month because huge power towers have fallen. Man, hope that's just news hype.


New Member
I havent heard from Dj and Firefish that was going to college from from Galveston that we havent heard from not sure if I am missing any one


New Member
Galvaston seemed to fair kinda well on the news, but you know how that can be. Electric out, so maybe, hopefully, that is why.


New Member
I'm here. I just got back on campus a half hour or so ago. They weren't letting people back on the island yesterday, so I had to wait till this morning to drive back.

There are palm trees down all over campus, and one section of fencing near the Student Center, but all in all the campus looks okay on the outside.

The inside is a different story. I'm without Air Conditioning in my apartment, and a window in my kitchen was blown out. Power should be back by Wednesdsay, but the next few days are gonna be hell, especially with the temps. nearing the 100's.

Classes won't resume till Thursday, hopefully when they do, things will get back to normal. Hope everyone else made it okay, especially anyone in the Beaumont or P.A. areas.