Temps are running high!


New Member
My tank is just came off of it's cycle, but I'm finding issues wil our tank running in at about 83 degrees. I just can't seem to figure out why. The heat is pumped in the house, nor is the tank in a closed area or near a heating vent. And so far we haven't really ever had the lights on.

The only thing that's in the tank right now is a Maxi-Jet 1200 and a HOB Carbon Filter. (of course there is LR and Sand). The tank is currently covered by a canopy. Heater was removed about a week ago because the tank was running hot.

I was thinking of installing a fan, but I'm not sure if that will solve our problem once we start stocking the tank and turning out the lights.



New Member
That is pretty interesting. I myself have 2 heaters at 50W, light on for 12hours, and my temperature get up to 82.4F, then at night it drops to about 80F. I do have an open top, try opening it up.


Staff member
I would check both the filter and the powerhead and make sure that both of them are turning freely, calcium build-up and plain old gunk can build up in them making the motor have to work harder to get them to pump which will cause them to produce more heat.


New Member
The maxijet 1200 is probably a source for alot of the heat... those things run at 20 watts. You may want to consider a mj900 which does 230 gph (the 1200 is 295gph) but only uses 8 watts.



New Member
Thanks for the tip Jesse!!!
I'm going to look into maybe changing up the MJ's b4 summer comes around.
I didn't realize the huge differance in wattage :roll:

Thx Again,
J :D


New Member

For me, I just run my tanks at night. No use of having them on when I'm at work. It helps alot with the tempture drop plus it heats my house at the same time. ha,ha,ha :mrgreen: