Taking on a bigger project.... Please give ideas.


New Member

Do you have any pics on the back side of your setup? I'm trying to figure out the best system. I was just at yardbirds (just like homedepot) and was so all over the place in the PVC area. I wanted to lay everything out on the aisles to get a visual and decided to be patient and ask more questions. ha,ha,ha first time that I have ever done that. Thanks


New Member
Here is a pick...

The only thing i would do differently is go with flexible tubing. Hard plumbing is too tough to use.



New Member
I thought the drainage holes from the tank to the sump were suppose to be near the bottom of the tank? Was there a particular reason you put them high? Or all tanks like that? And how did you know what diameter to use in PVC piping? I think I'll take your advice and go with flexible piping! It seems pretty tough to get around if problems arise! Thanks again


New Member
Maybe I can chime in here. For drainage holes if you drill them in the back of the tank then where ever the hole is, is where the water level will be. If you drill the bottom of the tank in the back corners you can do a durso stand pipe (see link at bottom). I think Jesse is doubling the diameter of the pump he uses. Hope this helps.



New Member
I drilled the holes in the back because I wasnt too sure about the stockman standpipe and having a hole underneath 20 gallons of water! The stockman standpipe is a safe method, but I had seen them being implemented on other tanks that I was attemting to mimic... simple as that.

As far as diam. of drain PVC, I went with 2x1" double-slip bulkheads. Each 1" bulkhead is capable of about 600 GPH. I went with two just because I like to overdo things a little. This way, in case of some radical event where one of the bulkheads gets clogged, the other will be able to take care of the ~650 GPH going through my system. In a tank your size, your bulkhead sizes will probably be 1 1/2", and you will want to use two or three depending on what kind of flow you are looking for.

As far as the diam of the return PVC, I suggest that you double the outlet diam of the return pump that you choose... like Tim said.

Check out this link too... http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.p ... opic=69372



New Member

I went with a high outlets just like you. Can you please verify how you set your piping up after the water enters the surface skimmer? Basically how did you setup your piping to the bulkhead when the water is getting siphoned to the sump. Did you get that? :roll:

For everyone else, I just got done drilling the holes in my tank and drilled high just like Jesse's tank. I saw Jesse's setup from behind and I'm comfortable with that but I'm confused about in the tank itself? I just got acrylic cut to create the surface skimmer and thats set. But inorder to get it flush to the tank surface did everyone cut the orginal silicone out that was there when the tank was manufactured? Cause thats the only way I see you can get it flush :?:

I once you cut the silicone did you just patch it up with the silicone used to seal the acrylic surface skimmer. Does anyone have a link to piping for a high level hole? All I have seen was bottom bulkheads :?: Plus is there a particular bulkhead that I have to buy? And where can I buy them only online or can they be purchased at your local hadwear store? Thanks everyone


New Member
Ill try to explain it as well as give you some pis.

FYI, I used 1" dual slip bulkheads. Here is a link to them, but any LFS should carry them... http://www.marinedepot.com/aquarium_plu ... ainers.asp

Starting on the inside of the tank, it would go in this order:

1. 2" ABS 90 degree elbow
2. I'm sorry, but i cant remember the size of the PVC part, but it was something like a 2"-->1" step-down sorta piece.
3. 1" PVC... ~2 1/2" in length. One end slips into #2 and the other end slips into the bulkhead.
4. Bulkhead
5. Back of the tank
6. Bulkhead
7. 1" PVC... ~ 2 1/2" in length. One end slips into the bulkghead, the other end slips into a 1" PVC tee
8. 1" PVC tee

Make sure you set your "T" up like this (you may want to set up your whole overflow like this too):

Here is mine:

Here is the pic from behind again:

http://s28.photobucket.com/albums/c247/ ... umbing.jpg

I hope that you are able to understand all this and I am not just making it more confusing!

Let me know if you have more ???'s.



New Member
:doh Okay, I drilled one inch holes yesterday and the two main LFS here that don't carry any bulkeads! So since the holes are inch what size bulkhead do I need. Please help... Thanks


New Member
Island... the holes should actually be around 2"-2 1/2" in diameter. The !" in the bulkhead size refers to the diameter of the inside of the bulkhead...in other words, the size of the pipe that will slip or thread into the bulkhead.

It is okay though, you should be able to carefully and patiently open the whole larger with a dremel and a diamond bit. I have a bunch of extra bits that will fit a drill motor and will help to enlarge the holes... I can send those to you free if you want.



New Member

Is there any bulkheads that would work for a 1 inch hole? And is there any pics of how a dremel bit would look? I have a bunch of heads but really don't know whats what? ha,ha,ha I may have to take you up on a bit head if possible. Thanks again Jesse....


New Member
I dont think that there is a bulkhead that would fit a 1" diam. hole.

Here is a pic of the bits that I used for my holes:

I got them at a local hardware store called harbor freight... here is their site: http://www.harborfreight.com/

I will gladly send you the rest that i have... just let me know.



New Member
Thanks Jesse for all the help. I wanted to see my options. If I kept the one inch holes and found a bulkhead which i did would that be sufficent enough since there are two inlets?
And since the pipes will be smaller does that affect the size of the pump used for a return? If so what should the rate gallon per hour be for this now? Thanks

If anyone has advice please do so.... Thanks


New Member
If you use both bulkheads for your overflows, you should be able to get about 600 GPH total through them. That would then limit you to a return pump of less than that after the headloss and all... maybe a mag 7?



New Member
Thanks Jesse.

Since the tanks 66 gallon, the light I purchased was 4X96watt PC. Will this be enough lighting for all assortment of corals? Or do I need a halide? Thanks


New Member
you wont NEED a halide... the lighting you have will be good for most lower light corals. How tallk is your tank again? And what kind of corals do you want to keep?



New Member
I would do an overflow on the back wall. Don't know the name of it, but I have seen it in action on several tanks and I would take it over any other design hands down.

Basically, you build a shelf along the back of the tank, about 4" or so down from the back. Picture an L laying on its side like this .. _| on the back wall of your tank. Water is skimmed over a much larger surface area and IMO its tons quieter. It allows more unobtrusive room in the tank and less unsightly holes and corner overflows and such.

If you are interested I can get my buddy to take a pic of his setup for you. Just LMK


New Member
The tank is 20 inches tall from the base of the bottom glass to the top of the plastic fram (top portion). But when everythings said and done I may put a 3-4 inch bed of LS. For corals, I really don't want to be limited thats why I ask if the lighting i sufficient. I guess I wanted to know that before my mind goes wondering off to corals that my lighting won't be good enough for.


Do you have any pics? Just to verify this setup, my tank is already drilled with two inlets near each corner. Again thanks for pitching in and look forward to any pics.


New Member
Here is a big thread about these horizontal overflows that shawshank brought up:

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... ight=calfo

They are a very effective design made popular by Anthony Calfo I believe.

If you dont want to be limited on what you can keep... ie. anything from shrooms to clams... then there really is no substitute for MH... combine a couple 150 watt 10,000k Iwasaki's with some VHO actinic supplementation, or a couple 250 watt 20,000k Radiums, and you wouldnt regret it. I hope this isnt bad news to hear. :sad:

