suggestions for pruning the macro???


New Member
Quick question for a newbie...

This is my first time using Macro algae and I wasn't quite sure if there is a proper way to prune what I've got or not. I have Grape Calupera and Chaeto in my sump. I believe that the Chaeto doesn't really have a root so I could prob just snip snip until the ball is smaller. I haven't quite followed any of the calupera starnds to really know if the bottoms look different from the tops.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I just want to keep from making a mess, plus be able to put what I prune into my spare tank for now and let it grow there.



New Member
when i used to keep calupera i used to just tare pieces off the colony. i dont keep it any more cause i had it go sexual and it all died. leeching all its toxins into my system, crashing it. just be warned it can happen over night.