Re: Thanks!
newnanoreefgirl said:
Well, they seem to get along okay, but like you said, the Dottyback gets in trouble if she gets too close to his little spot. He won't give chase though.
In my 21 gal, how many fish would be too many? Could I get a couple of damsels still? Or will they get their butts kicked by Lenny ( the blenny) or my dotty back?
Well cora, I never owned a damsel, but they seem to hold their own and they are also fast. They move around kind of like a clownfish, but more. If the dotty back and blenny have their own little place to chill (lots of hiding areas) your damsel should be fine. I wouldn't get too many fish as you'll end up raising your levels of nitrate. What are you using as filtration? If you have a protein skimmer hooked up, you'll be able to skate by easy with more, but if you have a pico or jbj nano cube, then chances are you'll have less fish, and more softies, LPS, shrooms, hermits, a crab.
In my opinion, I think you may be able to go with about 3 fish w/ no skimmer. Monitor your levels "ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate" see how those go, if they are stable over a month of owning your new fish, I would think that another fish would be okay, just make sure they are not a fish with temperment. I like to check and read upon fishes at
Once it suits the setup I have, I go to the LFS, ask more questions, then if all is good, I make the purchase. I'd like to see pics of your setup so I can gain a visual, if there is something posted already, be sure to link me. Good luck Cora.