so......get this


New Member
when we started our tank, not too long ago, you folks may recall a post about an abalone hitch hiker. Unfortunately, the abalone died last month. I found him upside down at the back of the tank, being eaten by a bristleworm. We had seen the worm before, but after mixed opinions on the web, and the fact that it was super-skinny (small), we decided to wait and see.
Anyway, I was not sure if that was why our abalone died, but now I am positive!!!!! Yesterday, I walked in to the living room and was surprised to see our pistol shrimp had just molted. His shell was right next to him, but he was out in the open. He was dead, and being eaten by bristleworms :anxious :cryinga: !!
Sooooo, so that his death was not in vain, we skewered the poor shrimp, and patiently used him to lure out 7 bristleworms over the next few hours. Some of them just climbed aboard the shrimp, and we swiftly pulled out the skewer and removed the worm. When they got wise to that (which I believe they did), we had to resort to a turkey baster modified for the job. Thankfully, we caught 7, big and small.
Well, today, the goby finally showed himself, and is too sad to eat :cryinga: . I guess we'll get another shrimp to1day. I hope they get along. Wish us luck!


New Member
well, the goby has eaten. We are going to wait until we catch the granddaddy bristleworm (that was too wily to catch yesterday) to get a new shrimp


New Member
I think I remember someone using panty hose to help catch them. They put shrimp inside the panty hose and kind of propped open the panty hose with a zip tie so the bristle worms could crawl in then get yanked up... Either that or I'm having really weird dreams again. :lol:

Ritsuko N

New Member
I think your having really weird dreams again if its any consolation :shock: But thats okay we still love you.

Thats a rather interesting trap for Bristle Worms but it sounds like it would work well enough.

Too bad I m not in the area I would gladly take all of your bristle worms and toss 'em in one of my tanks or refugiums. They make for a healthy sand bed.


New Member
that pantyhose idea is not all a dream. My backup plan was a little 2 oz. solo cup (like for salsa) w/shrimp chopped up inside, enclosed in a slightly larger net type pantyhose. This, with a string tied to middle so we could pull it up when the time was right. We still have to try that for the granddaddy that's left in there. But, funny when I read pantyhose, 'cause I was rather proud of my idea :smart
