snowflake eel

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i had an eel once a long time ago and he got out - found him on the floor - threw it back in the tank and put a weight on the lid - a couple weeks later he got out again anyway and this time he didn't recover when i found him and returned it to the tank - they can be sneaky! you'll hear a lot of stories like this about eels


New Member
well after an hour of breaking my fifteen tall down........turning it into a sump/fuge/top off resevoir. still no sigh of my eel, checked under, around, and behind all the furniture in my room. no sign. no nothing......unsolved mysteries wants to know. i do miss him greatly. i think at this point im going to take a break from my FOWLR tank for awhile.


New Member
Ohhh.... it is really necessary to breakup your tank??? keep it you might find something else that will caught your interest dont give up on the tank! common....



New Member
how trippy, hope he doesn't end up in your toilet. Make sure you look down before you sit, lol

Sorry you lost um, but I'm with everybody else here, he's got to be somewhere!!! Don't give up!!


New Member
hes definitly gone........i hate to say it but its true. the reason im breaking my 15tall down is for the tank, im not givin up on my FOWLR for good. just a break. plus ill be making a sick sump/fuge/ top off res. will have pics tomarrow.


New Member
Seriously, sorry for that loss. I lost my impulse-buy anemone (IBTA??) this week only 4 days after the purchase. I know how it feels..... :cry:


New Member
no smell.....i really think my clean up crew took care of everyhting. my bristle worms really clean s%&* feeding time they swarm the tank, its crazy feeding frenzy


New Member

left camber will hold my top of water and ATO pump.
front center chamber is refugium, rear center chamber is the sump.
right chamber is LR filter, going to completely fill with LR.

another pic...
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