snowflake eel

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New Member
well i was wondering if anybody is or has kept mutiple snowflakes?
if your currently keeping what are you feeding it or them?

just curious, everything is going great with mine. actually thinking about getting another one. tring to get some pics tonight, hopefully.



New Member
Nope, I dont. But they sure are cool. How is your doing? Have you learned anything about keeping more than one in the same tank? I would think that it should be okay.



New Member
Back in college DJConn dumped his in my tank, why I can't remember now, and he was happy for 6 months or so before he committed suicide by attempting to go for a 'walk'. Found him dried up and crusty behind the stand months later. They are cool.


New Member
hes doing great.....hes completely comfortable in his new environment. swimms around during feeding time and has a billion burrows.

so far finding info about keeping more than can be done as long as they are the same size and you have abig enough tank. as for whats the best thing to feed....nadda. still triing to find someone that has personally kept more than one......until then, surfing till my hands prewn.


New Member
as of this morning my beloved snowflake has grown lungs and walked away. i fed him last night and he is always swimming when i turned the lights on, but not this morning so i had to investigate. there where no remains left to be found, nothing. well hes not on the floor or in the tank so i figured he he just grew lungs and walked back to the ocean. anyways he will be greatly missed. as for the tank, i think this is a sign to break it down and just stick with my reef. R.I.P. buddy :cry:


New Member
ODD really ODD... i wonder what happen you might find him unter stand of tank or under rock it cant just disapear if you dont have cleaners or any kind of shrimp that will eat it!



New Member
Wow... I imagine he can move like a snake out of water... you may find him under furniture or somewhere in another room... hopefully you can find him before you smell him!

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