Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!


New Member
Hi again

Well i couldnt decide if i wanted a nano or a frag tank so i combined their dimensions and this is what i came up with. Thanks to Dennison for transforming my drawing into a real tank.

The actually dimensions are 800 x 240 x 200mm. The last 170mm is for hiding equipment so the display is 630x240x200mm (30L display).

Im using the sump from my existing 4x2x2 so there is no filtration required. Kinda cheating i guess but i dont want anymore stuff lying around.


return pump - 3000l/h aquabee
Flow - Seio 4400L/h, 800l/h powerhead
Lighting - 4x24w Solarmax T5

ATI- Blue plus
ATI- Aqua Blue
ATI - Blue plus
Solarmax - 14K

The display part of the tank is only 30L total so with about 7000L/H of flow it works out about 250x turnover. Plenty to keep my SPS happy

The equipment section of the tank is made from black perspecs so its all hiden :clap:

Anyway hope you enjoy




New Member
The tank will sit on a shelf next to my 4x2x2. Hope it can hold the weight. I did use 9 dynabolts and sat on the shelf to see if it could hold my 75kg.
Ill still hold my breathe when filling it. :nut:

Im using some black non slip foam/rubber stuff




New Member
Well I did a bit of aquascaping tonight and got the frags off the sandbed. All i need now are some nice colourful frags. I used what i had but want MORE (-:

Here are some pics so far. Im not completely happy but its a start. I added another small pump too so there is PLENTY of flow. about 250x now !!!

Not sure what this fish is but i like him or her



New Member
Well that matured quite nicely! How is your polyp extension? Are there any signs of stress on the shelf from the weight of the tank?

That fish looks like a Court Jester Goby to me (I don't know the scientific name).

By the way!

:welcome to!


New Member
Very cool. I really like this tank, keen to see how it develops over the next 6 months.

Good to see the shelf still holding up.

What T5 unit are you using? Didn't see anything mentioned, just the tubes used.