Small chip on tank


New Member
Hi Guys,

I was looking at my tank last night and I seen a small chip in the glass :cryinga:. It does not go thru and it is only on the outside of the tank. Do I need to patch it? What should I use?

Thanks for your help



New Member
It might be safer to get a new tank all together. Depending on how big your tank is, the amount of pressure from the volume of water may be enough to eventually fully breach the tank, especially now that the structural integrity's been compromised.


Staff member
If you can post a pic of the chip we may be able to be more helpful, alot depends on the size and location of the chip.


New Member
skipm said:
If you can post a pic of the chip we may be able to be more helpful, alot depends on the size and location of the chip.
Hi Skip,

It is hard to see, but it is the bright spot.





Staff member
I had a chip on the edge of the glass pictured in my mind. There are two options I would consider and unfortunately leaving it as is isn't one of them. First you could simply replace the tank, left as is I think that at some point the tank will fail. It could always be transformed into a terrarium or something like that. The second option is dependant on whether you could place the chipped side towards the back (this obviously won't work on a tank viewed from both sides), since it is a glass tank and silicone adheres well to glass as long as its cleaned properly you could make a patch out of a 6-8 inch square piece of glass (I would use 3/16" or 1/4" thick) and silicone it in place so the chip is centered in the patch. This will work out aesthetically only if the patch can be hid by your aquascaping or if you added a false wall on this inside of the tank.
If you still have the chip you could try the windshield repair kit like already mentioned but I don't think it will work in this situation.