Small algae turf scrubber for nano-tank?


New Member
I'm considering adding the algae turf scrubber to one of my tanks, to give it a try, but have a problem with finding place for it.
If you have/had one, can you show how it looks, where it is located in relation to the tank, how you are moving mesh for a cleaning (and where you are cleaning) without dripping water on the floor, is it worth the troubles for very high bioload tank?

Will appreciate this very much.

Anything, suitable for a use in small spaces, like downtown apartment or a small rowhouse.
Small, clean, not smelly, not dripping, that doesn't requires beating off on the show-filled backyard.

I did the search, have excellent DIY approach, but can't find, where and how to place it.
And a small one could be not too efficient.


New Member
I personally don't use this nor have I seen it but I did some research and this site gave me a bit of insight: But it generally sounds like a good idea. I can't help you on the scrubber, but I use a macro algae in my refuge and it sounds like it will do a similar end task of removing excess nutrients. I use chaetomorpha. For small spaces you could always just get a hang on back filter and remove all the media and put a small light over it for the chaeto. Here is a link with photos:


New Member
Thank you for for the input.
I have the long AquaFuge, hang on the back of tank, that could be used as a substitute for AquaClear fuge.

Does it come in mind something much more shallow with lid, that could be used for this purpose? Some supermarket or hardware store object may be. Advised to me prototype used lid inside, under angle, as a support for a screen. Stationary, not flushing model.
But again, how and where place it, without restricting access for a cleaning and making tank look cluttered by devices around and on top (no canopy, pedant light).

I had seen posts, where the TetraTec PF150 tidal power filter was used, but no info on was it helpful or it was too small.

More information is highly welcome.


New Member
Here is a link to a natural filtration article written this month in Reef Keeping online magazine. if you scroll down it does talk about the Algae Turf scrubbers. Doesn't give details about how to build one however it is interesting and might give you different ideas for maybe another type of filtration.

Anyway I hope you find something useful in it.