I know this will depend on the fish's temperament but has anyone had any issues adding a peppermint shrimp with a sixline wrasse? I introduced the sixline after I had the following; 2 clowns, cleaner shrimp and a glass anemone shrimp. He faired well with them and only harassed the clowns slightly when introduced. He hasn't bothered anyone else in the tank until I put in a peppermint shrimp. He has nipped this guy so much that he has taken to hiding in the rock work to keep the wrasse away. I purchased him mainly to help with my aptasia 'issue'. It's on day 3 and so far the shrimp has taken refuge behind my spraybar, powerheads, under the frogspawn...etc and is now wedged under a rock. Any ideas on how I can get these two to co-habitate? The wrasse is circling the rocks looking for him almost exclusively.