

New Member
Major problems with my tank. All of my candycanes are receeding! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong! I've noticed it for awhile but I didn't know what was happening b/c I've never had this coral before, I though things were splitting.

It's about 14" down from 220w of PC lights. 1/2 10k and 1/2 atinic. I stopped spot feeding it b/c I thought the extra nutrients in my tank were causing problems. I also ran out of phyto planton a month or so ago and haven't gotten any else.

So, what should be the proper feeding with what kind of foods and at what frequency. They're not gonners yet so I can save them, please help me!


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your candy canes. I have owned many candy cane corals in my time and have had good results. They can take a lot of abuse, such as bumping them and having them fall to the sand bed etc.

I noticed that as I brought my candy canes to the surface of the tank closer to the lights, they opened up a ten fold and are doing better than ever.

I do not spot feed them at all, and they always seem to want to feed in the night or even during the day with there small tentacles. In the past I would spot feed them but sometimes they would spit out the food so I stopped.

I simply use Iodine and they seem to enjoy that in the water column. I suggest that you take a look at each head and see if it's happening to all of them.

If you have a separate tank, try placing them in the other tank up near good lighting and see if there is change, this helped me out when I ran out of room.

They got a good spot in the new tank and they are doing well. Maybe the change in lighting since you upgraded, they are adjusting to the light variants, not sure.

I suspect something in the water may have set them off, even a temp variant they don't like.

But then again, mine did recede a lot during the time it was crowded in my first tank, even was stung by my frog spawn and torch, took it 2 months to recover.

Now in the new tank during light periods it's out a lot. Give it space and a different location, if this doesn't work, it's your water or simply some type of bacterial infection, maybe an iodine dip will help.

Good luck,



New Member
I'd say it's probably due to the increase in light. Try moving them to a shadier section, or just down as far as you can get them in the tank for a couple days and see if they start to expand/extend again....I'd make sure to add a bit of iodine to the system, to help them in healing if they've gotten 'sun burned'.

If you want to try target feeding them you can do so with cyclopeze and a syringe with a length of rigid tubing. Just attach a short piece of flexible tubing to the syringe, then attach the rigid piece to the airline tubing, you suck up a bit of thawed cyclopeze, and you can sqirt it anywhere you like in the tank.



New Member
incysor said:
I'd say it's probably due to the increase in light. Try moving them to a shadier section, or just down as far as you can get them in the tank for a couple days and see if they start to expand/extend again....I'd make sure to add a bit of iodine to the system, to help them in healing if they've gotten 'sun burned'.

If you want to try target feeding them you can do so with cyclopeze and a syringe with a length of rigid tubing. Just attach a short piece of flexible tubing to the syringe, then attach the rigid piece to the airline tubing, you suck up a bit of thawed cyclopeze, and you can sqirt it anywhere you like in the tank.

B may be quite possibly right. In my case I had a problem with Sandra's mushroom, they started looking all small and shriveled, and had no clue why, I would offer better areas for light, and then had same results. After posting about it, B told me to try a shady area, so I put it on the side of the tank, where it kind of gets half light, half shade kind of deal, and they recovered 100%. They have moved a bit, but have found that general area to stick around. I hope this is the case for you too Phischy.