Sea Slug???


New Member
I have a 4 month old, 12g. Nano cube, 16#'s LR, 1 tailspot blenny, 1 green clown goby, 1 peppermint shrimp, several snails & corals. Last night I was taking a look at the tank with the lights out and saw 2 black, slug like looking things. 1 had a white stripe down the middle. They looked like snails w/out shells and were moving around in the middle of the rocks. I'd take a picture don't think it would show up. The one w/the strip was smaller than the one that was all black. Any ideas???


New Member
I'll post an older picture of mine to rule it out. This is a stometella (sp) snail. Though I have heard them discribed with stripes I don't believe that I've seen an actual picture of one.



New Member
I looked again last night and saw the larger of the two. It looks to be more of a dark blue color with a light underbelly. It definitely has two antenna, but they are thicker and than the Stomatella picture. I have done some more research and think they are probably nudibranch of some sort. Pretty sure they hitchhiked on my initial shipment of liverock. They are still pretty small, the larger being no more than 1/2" long. Quite cool looking though, kind of ruffly edges. Wish I could get a picture of them, but they are so dark that against the black back of the nano it just wouldn't show up.

I do have one question though, if they are Nudibranch, is there anything special I should be trying to do to keep them alive? So far they've survived without my even knowing they were there but from what I've read consensus seems to be that they are doomed in an aquarium. Any suggestions?



Staff member
Most nudis are obligate feeders, meaning that they only eat certain things and when you run out of those things they starve to death. The flip side of the coin is they may be coral/polyp eaters in which case you don't want them anyway. For the most part nudibranchs are not good aquarium candidates IMO. HTH, Skip


New Member
It's a LIMPET!!!

I was at the fish store today and saw exactly the same thing in one of their tanks, which I was informed was a Limpet!!! Very beneficial to the tank, will eat anything including flatworms! The white "stripe" I saw on the smaller one is actually a shell! Wayyyy Coollll!! Anyway, nothing bad as a matter of fact it's very good, so whew!!!


New Member
Gman0526 said:
Stomatella snail
Im pretty sure its a variation of a stomatella like gman said...i spotted one of these in my tanks....either way they are harmless reefsafe creatures.



New Member

That looks like it. The LFS called it a Limpit? Anyway, it's been out several times now and just crawls around on the rock, like a snail would. Happy to know it's reef safe!

Thanks for the great info/research!