rics appear to be getting smaller


New Member
ive got some rics that have seemed to be getting smaller and smaller as time goes on. any suggestions would be appreciated, all my tank parameters are where they should be. ive got an 18w currenet usa 12'' lighting system on a 3 gal jbj pico. is it to much light to less? give me some advice please thanks for your time


New Member
Can you give us some more insight into what your parameters are. Maybe low to the test kit might be too high for the ricordias. I'm assuming that you are using Power Compact lighting so you should be fine for lights. Are you using a refractometer or a swing arm hydrometer?


Staff member
My first thought is that the light they are getting isn't enough to supply all of their nutritional needs, do you ever target feed them?


New Member
maybe ill move them up a little bit toward the top of the tank, yes i do target feed them frozen brine shrimp. thanks for the advice.