
New Member
wow momma (the misses ) surprized me again she picked up a ricordea mushroom for the tank
my ? is though it seems he wants to be moving from the rock he came in on or is this my imagination it really does look like he is slowly moving off his old rock & onto the larger rock his rock was put onto
he's been in the tank now for about a week........ when he was first put in he was at the very top of his little rock now he seems to be down to one side & moving onto the larger rock that is covered w/ algea
which would be about a 1/2 in or more move
?do they really travel that much??????


New Member
Most coral can detach themselves to find a place that they like more, especially if their old place isn't sustaining their needs. I would be very cautious and watch him to be sure that he doesn't accidentally detaches and ends up in a pump. Otherwise he will probably settle down once he reaches an area that he is happy with.


New Member
I dont think I have ever heard of ricordeas moving themsleves... very interesting. Did you acclimate it to the new lighting?



New Member
I have lots of rics....can't remember seeing one move away from an area that I have noticed...here are a couple frags I took to our local club last month..



New Member
Its kind of weird to say this, but is it firmly attached to the rock it came on? Can't imaine it moving much without floating away, but ya never know I guess.. I have seen mine slide a bit then break off into two rics...hopefully thats whats happening. Can ya see the base? Is it strtching out or is it actually walking?


New Member
maybe thats what is happening it could be breaking off because now that you mention it it is stretching & I can see a goodly part of the base will deff keep an eye on it over the next few days :idea:


New Member
Semo thats a really nice ric area... and well same as me i have one of each :mrgreen: i guess those 3 colors are the common ones since i have the same ones and the most seen rics... but your green ones is really nice even nicer than mine...



New Member
Very nice there Ed....My favorites are the blue ones...Looks like you leave yours alone long enough to grow some...I keep hacking on mine.


New Member
awesome picts/
wow......... now I want to go out & get some more the variety of colors is superb
right now we only have the one one & it still looks like it's moving a little
it's a grayish green color about 1-1/4 inches in size but the way he is now can only see his (her) side & bottom cause of the way its on the rock


New Member
well as it turns out this shroom is infact crawling off its rock
right now he's only holding on by a thread of his base but it also looks like he may be trying to attach himself to the other rock
most weird in my view
what would cause this to happen ( i have know clue )
all I can do now is hope for the best when he does disattach from it & i can resecure him to something else
which brings me to my next question what do I use to attach him to another surface?


New Member
I don't know what would cause that type of action with a ric'. Never seen that...

When fragging my ric's I have been using a plastic "petry" dish...least I think thats what its called. Put enough rough textured sand to cover the bottom. Take a piece of bridal netting...dirt cheap bought at wal-mart and rubberband it over the dish. This keeps the ric in touch with the sand, giving it time to attach to the sand. I usually give it a week and then just use "superglue gel" and glue the sand (which is attached to the shroom)to a piece of rubble or rock..whatever ya want it attached to...

Hope thats not too hard to follow....