RESCUE 911!!!


New Member
It was an innocent visit to the Fish Store. Pleasant weather. No wind. It is Thursday before Easter long weekend. Looking foward to a nice break.
My tanks have been running problem free for a while now (Knock on wood). Regular water changes and feeding. Nothing more. No need for more corals today, there have been a few sales and the recent additions to the coral stock is leaving very little room for additions.
The fish store gets big loads of corals come in once in a while. Too much stuff for my Nano's. Thank God. I'd be broke by now if i had a bigger tank to take them.
I go down to visit the fish. He has them in the basement. Walk past the crabs and anemones. Wow, look at the shark egg. Looks like it will hatch anytime now. You can see the guy slipping back and forth in the egg.
The fish room gets filled every once in a while. He says he got a new shipment this week. Lots of Gobes was the word.
It is true. Lots of Gobes. Sifters, shrimp Gobe's and blennys all over the place. Hey, look, a little banded Hi Fin Gobe!! Working right along side a pistol shrimp. Moving that sand from under a rock. Johnny said he got a 4 0r 5 of those. Said that they were on sale too. I like those, but they are risky in larger Nanos. And my smaller Nano is pretty full.
I'm thinking of a Green Clown Gobe for the large Nano. He would love the new Corals I got. He even got some juvenile Yellow Clown Gobes. Cool.
HEY, where did the little Banded Guy go. How...............AAAGHGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
To my dismay and surprise, I see the last little bit of his tail sticking out of the mouth of a Larger Jumper Fish. Grab the fish net ........try and catch him..........damn he's fast...........poke around..........and ............there.. HE SPIT HIME OUT!!!!! Is he ok???? Did he hurt him???? Never thought I'd have to give a fish the forced Heimlich Maneuver. That was close. Looks like he is a tough little guy. He looks ok....but I can't leave him in there. He won't have a chance in there with all those big guys. I think I know what I have to do. I think I'm going to have to buy a third tank. I think I make it a dedicated Gobe Tank. That'll be cool. :gcool The wife is going to kill me. Oh well. It's for a good cause. The little guy will be safe.



New Member
I did end up bringing him home and he is in my 24 g right now. I made him a smaller little condo that I made from a tupperware cont. I cut two of the sides off and drilled holes all along the large holes so that I could Sew plastic screening to block off the exits. I put a few pieces of live rock with some polyps so that he has some place to chill. He seems to be happy in there. He comes out every time I come close to the Condo. I think he wants food. I am going to wait for him to get a little bigger before he is allowed out. The green gobe seems to be settling in well. He has found a nice rock to perch on. the Yellow Clown Gobe didnt fare too well. I think he was not well. He looked like he hadnt eate in a while. His stomach area was shrunk inwards. I didnt notice this at the store. Has any one else had trouble wtih the Yellow Clown gobes? They are supposed to be easy to care for. He had a proper burial.
