I have a 6 and a 12 gallon nano cube. The 12 gallon's fans have always been fine. The 6 gallon's made racket and died when I got it new so I got the manufacturer to send me a new lid. In the last month, the fans are making a ton of noise. You can hear is over the noise of those two tanks and 20 and 50 gallon freshwater tanks with all their equipment. I think I need to replace them. Or, should I just buy some other tank for more money? What do you think? I found one site selling the 6 gallon nano cube fans for about $20 each which ends up being nearly $50 to replace both with shipping. Plus, I'm not that good with electrical wiring so I don't even know if I could wire in new fans. I've yet to change any bulbs since my saltwater tanks are just coming up on a year old; I kind of dread that too! Have any of you changed out fans in your hoods? Should they really die in less than a year? Thanks.
Btw, the animals are thriving.
Btw, the animals are thriving.