Removing age from public view


New Member
Sorry, but is it possible to remove member's age from publicly viewable area? This is private.
I couldn't find this option in Profile.

If this is board policy, that cannot be corrected, then how to stop being a member AND remove my personal data from being available to the public?

Thank you.


New Member
Since age is required and there doesn't seem to be an option for not showing it...... why don't you just change it so that it's not entirely accurate? :???:


New Member

I have sent a message to the admin of to see if it is possible to remove a member's age from public view. I will let you know as soon as I hear back from him.



New Member
Hi non-photosynt,
Unfortunately, if I disable the age option it will disable it for the entire forum. I've changed your age to 99 yrs old so I'd say that most everyone will suspect that is not your true age. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to PM me utilizing the PM button below. Also, I can remove you and your age from this forum immediately if you'd like. Just let me know.