Reef Starter Kit...


Active Member
Hey reefers,

I've never been a consumer of the additives department, example idodine, calcium, and strontium supplements. I'm starting to worry that I should add to my reef these additives as religiously as I do water changes.

I'd like to get an idea of what you reefers are adding to your tanks. Remember I'm the proud owner of a 12 gallon JBJ Cube Deluxe. So my dosing has to be small.

I do add Phytomax from kent marine and thats wonderful. But I lack macro algae in my tank, I need the purples and greens to cover my rocks. I know that additives help, just need a push in the right direction.




New Member
As an experienced hobbiest, I'm sure you've heard the opinion that water changes are all you need as long as you are doing them on a regular basis. To some degree, I agree with that statement. I also would like to add that if you do decide to dose some additives other than food, I would only dose what you can test.

  • In my 20 gallon (which is closest to your 12g in size) I add Ocean's Blend 2 part Ca and Alk additive. I find that in just a few days my Alk (buffer) levels drop significantly. Calcuim drops as well but not as much in my observation. I use the additive about every two days.

    I also add Kent's Iodine (which I can't test for) but less than half a cap or so once a month. I believe my shrooms and xenia respond well to it.

    I also feed my main tank DTs. cyclopeeze, mysis and occasionally spot feed my hammer scallops chuncks.
Remember that each tank is completely different. Someone may have to dose one thing while another never does. Hope this helps.


New Member
Water changes will add a bit of the trace elements you want, but unfortunately the balances of the elements differ from brand to brand, and in some cases from batch to batch.

You should definitely be testing for calcium and ph. Which will help you to determine how much calcium and buffer to add. I also dose my tanks semi-regularly with iodine, and strontium. I don't test for them, and really I probably only dose about half as frequently as the bottle instructions would indicate. I haven't gotten around to dosing magnesium, but I may start before long. I don't really consider phyto an additive, just another food.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice, I now know what to purchase. I will get the starter kit by Marine Kent. And I will purchase a Calcium tester and a PH tester....



New Member
mikeguerrero said:
Thanks for the advice, I now know what to purchase. I will get the starter kit by Marine Kent. And I will purchase a Calcium tester and a PH tester....

I'd hold off Mike, Adrian has a pretty big suggestion as he's very knowledgable when it comes to "additives" He should post in a bit, he's on a ticket right now....


Active Member

I'll wait for Adrians response. You just can't beat the starter kit by Marine Kent. At Pet Co here in the Bay Area, it's only 12.99 for the three bottles. Strontium, Iodine, and Calcium. For a nano cube this is great cause it will last and last.

What will cost me is the calcium tester which cost 14.99 by aquarium systems, I really like their products and they ranked number 1 for price and efficiency vs 2nd place comming to Salifert.

I haven't found a place to pick up the PH tester yet.



New Member

I will just list what I use and how often I dose my tank. I don't use Kent Products since I have heard numerous times that the they aren't that good. I have personally have tested kent and have seen better results with Tropic Marin . They are a german company that just simply has a better product.

I put Iodine, Magnesium, and Calcium Daily. ... alcium.htm ... nesium.htm ... ro-jod.htm

Every Sunday and Wednesday I add Strongtium and Phytoplan. ... ontium.htm ... ?lang_id=1

Although Phytoplan is just food for the corals I just thought I would add it.

I use the Kent Superkh buffer whenever I add water to top it off. ... uffer.html

Also every 3 months I add a Sea Lab. This product is just to replenesh trace elements. It only releases elements that your tank needs.

I use mostly powders since the last longer and I feel they are more effective. Most of these products will last me up to 6 months. The magnesium and calcium last me about 4 months though since they are used daily. Also, the water that I use to do water changes has trace elements and superKh buffer already. I do weekly 10gallon water changes. Mike I am not sure how much money you want to spend on additives because these can add up. If anything, get teh starter kit from kent but get the Iodine from tropic marin. If anyone has any questions please ask. I know I missed some details.


New Member

n3m3ss1s said:

I will just list what I use and how often I dose my tank. I don't use Kent Products since I have heard numerous times that the they aren't that good. I have personally have tested kent and have seen better results with Tropic Marin . They are a german company that just simply has a better product.

I put Iodine, Magnesium, and Calcium Daily. ... alcium.htm ... nesium.htm ... ro-jod.htm

Every Sunday and Wednesday I add Strongtium and Phytoplan. ... ontium.htm ... ?lang_id=1

Although Phytoplan is just food for the corals I just thought I would add it.

I use the Kent Superkh buffer whenever I add water to top it off. ... uffer.html

Also every 3 months I add a Sea Lab. This product is just to replenesh trace elements. It only releases elements that your tank needs.

I use mostly powders since the last longer and I feel they are more effective. Most of these products will last me up to 6 months. The magnesium and calcium last me about 4 months though since they are used daily. Also, the water that I use to do water changes has trace elements and superKh buffer already. I do weekly 10gallon water changes. Mike I am not sure how much money you want to spend on additives because these can add up. If anything, get teh starter kit from kent but get the Iodine from tropic marin. If anyone has any questions please ask. I know I missed some details.
Don't forget to save all these links, as they'll prove to be very useful to you. With what he does, you'd get very healthy, colorful tank. I can't wait until he gets a digital camera, the pictures will be off the hook!!