Recommend me a pump please!


New Member
I'm getting frustrated :wlift :wlift

I replaced the stock pump in my NC24 with a Maxijet1200. This is just what I had, and it did well when I had my tank set up previously, but now I feel its not enough. I also cannot for the of me get the third chamber to be a different level than the 2nd.

I placed a Rio Hyperflow on it, but that blew it out of the water and to me was noisy (Im now using it with my ATO auto water top off), so I placed the maxijet back on.

I alos have a Rio 90 placed in chamber one blowing OUTWARDS, it makes the suction seem better. I did that after reading it as a tip here on the forum.

:blob PLEASE recommend a pump for me to use that has the best results, and how do I make my third chamber function right with the water levels?

Thanks so much!! :wors:



New Member
I would stick with the MJ1200 and add a Koralia 1 or 2 to the display. That should be plenty of flow. You dont want too much flow going through those rear chambers. Also, Im not too faliliar with the chambers on the 24g NC but if the water is going under the baffle from the 3rd to the 4th chamber and not over the buffle than the levels will always be the same. Thats how it is in my 12g AP.




New Member
On my 12 NC the input side is on the left and the baffle goes under to the 2nd chamber and then over a baffle to the 3rd chamber which holds the pump for output. If this is what you have then is it possible that you just have too much water in the tank?


New Member
Well, I dont know? :?:

The water level is just shy of the top of the left intake grate, or just at the edgle of the black cap of the tank. Should it be less?

The first chamber is higher than the 2 & 3, but the 2 & 3 are level with eachother. I am thinking that the chambers should be different levels....but, I dont know.



New Member
Sounds good to me. My water level is just below the false wall and the water level of the first two chambers are higher than the second two.
