Ready to start reef tank, advice needed


New Member
I have read so much info on the computer my wife is getting angry about the amount of time I am staring at this screen. I think I am ready to try this thing out. I havent ever kept a SW before, but i was a marine science minor in college, and i live at the beach, so there has always been a place in my heart for it. I think I am going to go with the 24gal Nano Cube DX. What advice, products, tips, anything should i know to get off to a good start? I read about these seperate tanks for emergency use, water changes and so on... what is the best way to have a successful tank. I am VERY new to this, and want to get into it seriously, so please have pity on a new know nothing. Keep in mine nothing has been ordered yet, just have a list of things I am considering. Steer me the right way :)


New Member
A lot of this hobby is learning the hard way. You try to learn as much as you can, but experience is really the best way to get a real grasp on things. Just keep reading...... If you can try to figure out what you want to put in the tank before you start throwing a bunch of random stuff ie coral and fish into it then you'll be better off.

There are going to be things that you'll do and you'll wish you hadn't.

My advice is to keep reading. Get books that people refer to you wether you go to the library or Barnes and nobel. Read reef keeper magazine online and go back and read some of the archives in the newbie corner and reef keeping 101. go to your LFS and start trying to decipher between healthy livestock and non-healthy specimens. getting a grasp on this early will save you money. If you can research the coral and fish before you buy them you might save life as well.

:welcome to nanotank. jump in head first! :D good luck.


New Member
oh yeah... set a side time and money for your woman. Try to get her involved and interested. Otherwise it will be a constant battle and ultimately the fish and the kids are the ones who suffer the most.

Ritsuko N

New Member
If you can try to figure out what you want to put in the tank before you start throwing a bunch of random stuff ie coral and fish into it then you'll be better off.

Ritsuko N

New Member
If you can try to figure out what you want to put in the tank before you start throwing a bunch of random stuff ie coral and fish into it then you'll be better off.
Probably by far the best idea you could take for action in order to reach your goal, otherwise this might be one of the "Things you do that you later wished you wouldnt have done". What you want to keep will dictate lighting and tank size and a whole host of other variables. Before the first item is purchased I suggest that you have a well thought out plan that will take you from start to finish. Granted we often times decide to go into a slightly different direction than when we started. Its one thing if you want to do soft corals and some of the easier LPS corals but if you suspect that you will soon be going to SPS corals after getting you feet wet you may find out that you should have went with a tank with better lighting options. Sometimes its better to spend a few more fun dollars from the start and get what you need than it is to continually upgrade as you progress. Its usually cheaper in the long run and you dont end up with a closet or garage full a junk you cant use.

Experience is the best teacher but learning from others mistakes will be a lot less costly and a lot less painful to boot too. So keep reading and keep asking questions and come up with a plan and post it so that others can beat it up and you can work out any possible stumbling points. It will probably result in a smooth transition in to the hobby with few problems or suprises in the process.

I am VERY new to this, and want to get into it seriously, so please have pity on a new know nothing.
No worries, thats the great thing about forums and the internet. There is a lot of talent here, use it to your advantage!!! I would much rather reply to 50,000 questions than have to reply to a "911 help my fish/corals are dieing" threads!


New Member
Thank you so much for all the advice. I am going to continue to read as much info as i can in order to make the best decision. I have a pretty good idea of what i want to keep in the tank, so i will finalize that and put it up for criticism. thanks again for all the help, this site is making things a lot easier.