New Member
My bretheren reefers today my beloved green mandarin (DRACO) is gonna be in a beautiful place call ocean heaven.. he died today at 10AM. cause of my selfishness to get a mandy knowing requirments and needs of them. his beloved wife spotted mandarin (froggy) will miss him so will we . :anxious :cryinga: :cryinga: :cryinga:

DRACO LIVE FROM 10.25.05 TO 12.04.05

since the last death of my clown this is my second lost since i have my tank... and well now my other clown has a mate seems like they are getting along pretty good.

(signature changed)


New Member

We live and we learn, sorry it didn't work out for you. Don't blame yourself, it would have died in the store, you gave it a good home and place to die in peace.


New Member
ohhh ... that was kind of you... i really try really hard to keep him alive and well he didnt seem to be eating that much just alittle unlike the other one she is a pig :lol:


New Member
Our pet stores here keep them they even recommended one for our tank but alas I knew that he wouldnt survive ......He knew you loved him and did everything you could to make him happy and healthy....and froggy knows this too . They are animails that are not easy to change their instinct , just like our parrots they have instinct that is bred into them from hundreds of years ago.... not something that is easily changed plain and simple ...... Draco and your other clown fish will surely be missed by you but you are learning and that says something about you .....That YOU CARE !!! In short sorry for your loss it is not easy losing a favorite fish :cry:


New Member
i know was really hard to see him dead :sad: :cry: :cry: and we will miss him alot 4 sure ...to cheer me up i got a cleaner shrimp :) but im gonna miss him ... he knew when was eating time.. i love when he put his antenna up and swimm ... the way he was fighting with the glass all the time and i night searching with my lamp i always catch him and froggy slipping in a cave together they look really cosey they were the perfect couple different species of mandy's but they sure love each other...... :sad: :sad:


New Member
Sorry for the loss, but at least we were able to tell you it would happen through experience. At least it should be a little easier to just feed one many as opposed to two. If you are lucky you might have it live a couple months more of life. My record was 6 months....