Questions about having a "frag" tank?


New Member
I just was given a 3 gallon Eclipse tank, and was wondering about the possibilty of making it a small frag tank, so that I can pull frags off the corals and put them in that tank to grow larger.

Can this be done using this type of tank? What would you recommend to have in the tank (live sand, live rock rubble?) besides frags? Would I need a few snails at all?

What would need to be changed with the filtration system/lighting?

I would be fragging some colt coral, and various mushrooms and such. My corals are growing like weeds in my 24 Nanocube and I need to frag. I would prefer to frag and place them in a different tank as to open up space in my Nano.

Has anyone else done this sort of thing?

Thanks in advance...



New Member
i think that it would probably be easier to make a 5.5 gallon aga frag tank than converting the eclipse into a tank

but if you want, i would ditch the stock filter and lightling because they are POS

you could use a coralife 18w pc light

but i would recommend that you use the 36w pc light

i believe that it would be useful to have an Aqua clear filter converted to a fuge to and having macro algae and some rock rubble to keep up the bio filtration

i would recommend ls and mostly small piece of lr, a cleanup crew wouldnt be bad either because you might have algae growth

hope this helps :mrgreen:



any tank will work so long as you light , filter, and get good flow.......... i recomend no sand or very little if any rock other then the rock your attaching your frags to, you won't be feeding it so biofiltration can be minimal...use eggcrate shelving and bare bottom to keep it clean.


New Member
I am also looking into starting a frag tank. I am a newbie as well. From what I have read you say bare bottom is best to keep it clean. Are you supposed to start out the tank and cycle it like you would any new tank? Right now I have a small piece of live rock from another tankin it, bare bottom, lights and powerhead. The tank is set up for a week. Anything else I am missing?


you do not need to cycle a tank or the water - the water should be aged and well areated of course (1 week is fine - but not "cycled". cycling refers to getting bacteria in the tank or biologic filter. if the rock and frags on rock come directly out of your tank then they will already be loaded with bacteria......... if they have been shipped or otherwise transported some die off will occur and a bit of time is neccessary for recolonization of bacteria. tank should be good to go, with a bare minimal bioload - like unfed frags.


you don't need to - a little rock makes your bio filter - my 20g frag tank had some live rock and pieces that i intended to attach frags to laying in the bottom and some egg crate shelving above that (about half the width of the tank) my new frag tank (10g) is set up more like a nano - for looks, either way works. i would consider throwing a HOB on there too for mech filtration though...