Question on salt choices


New Member
Is there any real difference in the various salt mixes on the market?
In fish tanks I have always used "Instant Ocean" which I still have some available. If I use this in my new setup would it be OK to change to another brand later if I choose to?

I pick up my 12 gallon AquaPod tomorrow......

Didger aka Geoff


New Member
There can be a diffrence in the trace elements and other things added to the salt thus causing algae blooms and out breaks however if you were to change over to a diffrent brand do so slowly so that your system has a time to recover from the change of the trace that you dont up the system mix one brand and when you do your change do 75% old 25 percent new then 50%/50% ect till you are adding all "new" brand salt to your system....I have tried and used oceanic and did not like it at all had problems with my tank so I went back to Instant ocean


New Member
Thanks SadieLynn - as usual sound advice from experience.
I have never had a problem with Instant Ocean so guess I will continue using it.

Geoff aka Didger


Staff member
I too have used several different salt mixes before with varying results, the biggest thing I suggest to people is to not only get a salt that works well in your system but to get a saltmix that is readily available in your area. You never know when something will happen and you need to run out for more salt. FWIW I also use Instant Ocean.


New Member
Has anyone heard anything about the Tropic Marin salt? I love all their products but I have never used their salt, mainly because I buy all my water premixed.



New Member
I use the Tropic Marin salt and it seems great, all my corals are growing and everyone seems to love the old water change!


Staff member
Anthony Calfo said he used Tropic Marin if I am not mistaken and was pleased with it, I haven't tried it because no one in my area carries it.


i use reef crystals (Ca enriched instant ocean) but i think most of the commonly available salts are pretty good.


New Member
I see this is an older thread but I was hoping I could still ask a question pertaining to this subject. I am new to this site/forums in general/aquariums. I recently bought my salt water from my LFS but it is kind of far away. I was hoping I could buy a blend and mix myself so I have a constant supply. I see all of you use instant ocean so I know it must be good! Has anybody tried using BrightWell Aquatics NeoMarine? I have been using their microbacter and it's great so I was hoping I could stick with the brand.

I read through this thread about the necessary steps to switch and I know problems might or probably will arise. My tank only has damsels that I plan on getting out of there and a couple of blue leg hermits and a cleaner shrimp. What steps should I take and in what order? BrightWell Aquatics or Instant Ocean?