

New Member
i think im running into my first serious round of problems.
i had an issue with my Yellow tail damsel. he kept kicking th crap out of my corals. he also kept chasing my shrimp. hes gone.
my anemone kept getting beat up by the cleaner shrimp and died.
today my cleaner shrimp died.
some one is eating my star fish a little bit at a time.....
and to top it off my levels are messed up and my yellow gobe has ich.

what do i do?
ive done water changes.
im raising the water temp to accelerate the ich life cycle.
i bought a treatement chem for ich but i really dont want to use it for fear that itll wipe out everything but the fish.

i think i need some really good help here.

Fiji IS looking cheaper.



New Member
ps i did have a hell of a time getting the damsel out. proctically had to rip the tank apart. @#$%^@%#
could that have thrown everything out of wack and stressed everything?
was that a stupid question?


New Member
Well, how long have you had your tank up?
how big are the water changes you are doing?
Are you running carbon or anything to help with the levels?
A refugium is also very helpful

What i would do would be a good sized waterchange, 60-70 percent due to the anemone and other things dying, that would have caused a spike in the tank, and added the chemical stuff from the anemone into the tank. Running carbon/chemipure is also helpful in removing the chemical stuff.

for the Ich Part, most of my fish have had ich before, i noticed that when they get stressed, they get ich. They normally recover by themselves for me, just need to keep on top of water changes and feedings.

If you kept your LR out of the tank long enough, it could have caused a spike, but im not sure that was the cause.

Hope to help


New Member
An anemone dying will QUICKLY turn everything south... they can "nuke" a tank easily. I think most of this was spawned from the death of the anemone. As far as the star, I dont know much about them, so I cant tell you much about that. Do at least a 75% water change. Add some carbon right away too. Remove the star before that dies and causes a new set of problems. Treat the fish for ich too. That should get you back in the right direction.

BTW, dont get another anemone.... they arent well-suited for a nanocube. And most stars arent good either unless it is a small serpent. In general, any of the colorful star (linkia etc.) are not recommended for nanos.




yep - time to start over kinda - seems to me these are all too much too quick type of issues. do as the others have recomended (watch the ich treatment though many are not reef safe and will do more harm then good) - but i would like to add this - then do nothing for a month! take a break and let the tank settle in. change water and clean the filters weekly but no new critters in the long run this is the most important step


New Member
johnanddawn said:
- but i would like to add this - then do nothing for a month! take a break and let the tank settle in. change water and clean the filters weekly but no new critters in the long run this is the most important step
Very true...



New Member
reefman23 said:
johnanddawn said:
- but i would like to add this - then do nothing for a month! take a break and let the tank settle in. change water and clean the filters weekly but no new critters in the long run this is the most important step
Very true...

true that! lol :langle


New Member
the tank was up for almost two months. the original water and sand and live rock was already cycled and was doing well. everything was doing really well until the anamene starting getting beat u by the shrimp. :wlift
then everything went to :moonin when the damsel came out. i could almost write a tradgedy about the death going on in there. looks like the "nuking" is happening. fire shrimp is looking really rough today. the star fish got picked by the morgue today. even the hermit crabs are looking kind of :cryinga: . teh yellow tip polyps seem to have lightined up a little and are looking beetter. the watchman goby is still alive but i havent seen the yellow goby since saturday. i did a water change yesterday and will do one again tonight. the temp is at 26 right now and the levels are all a little screwy. not way out but not normal. i think ive come to terms that im going to have to either get a bigger tank if i want to do more. i wanted to get a bigger nano but ive been hearing som many bad things about them cracking that im not sure. i donno. :titanic


New Member
did i mention the power went out yesterday for almost two hours. if you ever want to see your whole tank start moving....have a power outage. holy cow. lots and lots of bugs and worm s and other thing s i have yet to see. those guys seem to be doing ok. but im not so sure the power outtage was good for things either. :iill