New Member
Ok. so after dealing with that little thing torn out to be big and could only fit on the 1st or 3rd chamber of my nano cube i thing it would be same problem with 6g nano i dont know about 20g nano but anyways i had some problems first i put it on 1st chamber and i didnt have time for the chemipure and sponge so didnt work then in the 3rd one was perfect the only thing was that the skimmer was doing to much bubbles in the main tank then after moving rubble , macro and things i was sick until i got a piece of plastic tube to make is longer so could it fit it in 2nd chamber so my DIY was ok better than last one anyways everything looks nice know but still have some problems about alot of bubbles so i read that i needed to put a sponge in 2nd or 3rd so the bubbles werent that bad so i did but still have same problem .... help what should i do to prevent bubbles in main tank ...

questions to much oxygen is bad for fish, invertebrates or coral.... or will cause another major problem cause of mayor oxygenation...

do skimmers tend to do alot of bubbles is that normal or maybe is something wrong with my skimmer ....

ill apreciate alot your help guys/girls..



Staff member
Skimmers are notorious for making tons of bubble in our tanks when they are new and have not "broken in" yet. IME I have found that a good washing in warm water helps speed the break in cycle up. The problem is traces of oils and other agents that remain on a new skimmer from the manufacturing process. These trace oils cause a skimmer to make tons of micro bubbles that end up back in the display area of our tanks. Since I don't have my Fission skimmer yet I cannot say with 100% certainty that this is the answer to your problem but IME I have found that new skimmers DO tend to release bubbles like you describe for up to a couple of weeks.
On you oxygen question the answer in this case is no you won't have a problem with too much oxygen however the air bubbles may irritate some corals and prevent normal polyp extension and some fish may be spooked by the bubbles so it would be good to try and get them under control as soon as possible. HTH, Skip