amf82380 said:
I was thinking about the Tunze but there a little on the pricey side and with my budget being as tight as it is I don’t know whats the cheapest you have seen them priced at if I could find one for around the same I would look at it a little closer.
It seems that Tunze sets the price because they are the same price everywhere I look. The Hydor's are indeed less expensive, they aren’t much larger if at all, and they are pretty good quality.
amf82380 said:
also being I like the set up you had when you originally post the 20long could you do me a favor and five me a parts list (the return side of the system) plumbing wise and all. How do you like the SCWD? I had thought about on when I set up the system I have but with the little bit of flow I am getting now it really wouldn’t pay being the flow I am getting from the Mag pump is only on one return.
I actually am not satisfied with the return side of my tank and really haven’t been since I set up this tank. I actually have plans here in the near future to move my tank over to another stand... a REAL OAK stand made by a professional, not the jerry-rigged POS that I have now. I am re-doing the entire return line from the pump all the way up to the tank. The first reason for this change is I don’t like the PVC plumbing. This time I went with tubing sold as a vacuum line for pools/Jacuzzi’s...
I bought it at home depot for a little over $3/foot I believe.
So... this may be a bit confusing...
- From the pump there is a 1" ball valve
- Then a fitting to step up the 1" female ball valve to a 1-1/2" female outlet
- Then a 1-1/2" fitting that has a male thread on one end (to screw into the ball valve) and a barb end (to attach to the spa flex return line) ... onbarb.jpg
- Then another male threadXbarb fitting (this time to attach the other end of the spa flex to a "T" fitting)
- Then there is a 1-1/2" "T" with a female inlet. This will be mounted to the upper rear of the stand in the center because obviously the flex return line won’t give it any support.
- Then there are two reducers (1-1/2" to a 1"), one on either outlet of the "T"
- Then there are two 1" threaded unions, one on either side. These are a must-have. They enable you to take apart the plumbing for cleaning and all that, but then screw right back together and form a watertight seal.,PFvu.html They are half that much at Lowes.
- Then there are just a series of 1" PVC and 90* elbows up into the tank
I hope that all makes sense. I should be able to post a bunch of detailed pictures when I start that project.
Also, you want my opinion on the SCWD? They suck. They cut down on the flow WAY more than they advertise. I would guess I lose about 30% of my flow. Now keep in mind that my Quiet One 4000 loses a lot to head pressure, so a Mag may nut suffer so much from the SCWD, but I have heard other people complain about how much flow is lost because of the SCWD too. The main reason for this is the inlets and outlets are TINY. Yes they attach to 3/4" vinyl tubing, but the ID of the outlets are tiny. It will get the job done, but you will have to take into account the lost flow and also the fact that these things generally do not last that long.
I really hope that helps you out. Let me know if you have any more questions!