problem with clownfish?


New Member
Hi, I am a newbie and I have cycled my 12g jbj nano, and the readings are as follows: Ammo. 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 or less, salinity 1.021. Temp is 77F. My questions is, I bought my first fish yesterday, a wild percula. For the first couple of hours he was just fine, and then since then he has just been swimming at the top near the intake or the flow nozzle. Is there something wrong with him or is there something wrong with my tank?



New Member
Sorry to hear about your clown. Any update with this?

This sounds like a question for incysor.


Active Member

I have same cube as you and two clown fish. My female, the larger one likes to swim on occasion next to the return nozzle and defends it by chasing my hand away if I near it.

She hovers there in the night when the lights go off and doesn't even let the little male come close to her.

My clown had to adjust herself to her new surroundings and when she felt safe in about 3 - 4 days, she started swimming all around.

Give you clown some time and you'll see that it's okay, granted your water paramenters and temps are okay as you state.

Good luck.



New Member
Percs like flow....If she's not floating, or on her side, or upside down, but swimming in a healthy fashion she's probably just playing in the current.



New Member
Thanks for the reply guys. The clown actually dropped about and 1" down more today and swam around more as well. Someone else told me the samething, that she just needed to get used to the surroundings.


New Member
My clown always plays in the circulation and bubbles in my one tank - it's fun to watch them swim. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


New Member
UPDATE: I dropped in a blue tang a day later, and since then, they hang out and play all day. I guess my clown just needed to ge used to the tank and get a buddy to play with.


New Member
SkiptomyLou said:
Um.... 12g + tang = not big enough... I'm pretty sure this goes for almost all tangs. What kind did you get?
lol, that goes for all tangs. Tangs will easily outgrow a tank of your size. Time to say good bye to mr tang, and buy something else.

1.) Bi color blenny
2.) Neon Goby
3.) Yellow Gum drop goby
4.) six-line wrasse
5.) purple psuedo/bi color psuedo

Fishies like that are cool, some more tempermental than others, but the ones that really aren't bothers are the gobys.


New Member
It's just a baby blue tang for now. As soon as it starts growing up more, she has a home in my friends 80g. She is actually smaller than my clown.