poorly coral


New Member
My yellow tree coral usually has a rest period a couple of times a day when it more or less shrivels up. But up to now always returns to it's former glory after an hour or so. Yesterday evening it did the same but still hasn't come back yet!!! There are some smaller examples on the same piece of LR and they are fine? Any one any idea's as to what could be the problem? Also do I need to feed it? what with?


New Member
all softies leathers do this in general it is completely normal. if it is indeed a "tree coral" then after it becomes fully acclimated to your tank it should stay open all day but shrivel up only at night. leather types on the otherhand can go through sloughing periods that may last several days to a week and then they will shed and reopen during the day cycle
you do not need to feed it


New Member
Thanks. It is a tree coral, it is starting to pick up a bit now. It still doesn't stay fully erect yet though.