Polyp crowns everting

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I've got a couple of hitchhiker polyps that as they have grown have gotten a tendency for the crown to turn inside out, so to speak, becoming convex rather than concave.
See the upper polyp in the pics.
Is this a sign of something--too much light, too little light, or whatever? Or just normal behavior?


The Kapenta Kid

New Member
That's a 16 gal nano with a 2 gal refugium/filter. Thus 18 gal (nominal) system since there is around 10 lb live rock and the same amount of live sand in there.
There are no other coral inverts. I point feed a few drops of coral food a couple of times a week, and drop in cubes of frozen green and red plankton on the same frequency.
There is a mandarin dragonet and a sandsifter goby (V. puellaris). The fish are probably overfed since I am trying to make sure that the dragonet gets accustomed to frozen worms, mysis, etc which I feed along with live bbs and bloodworms. He regularly takes the frozen stuff and looks well fed, but I have only had him for a couple of months so I want to make absolutely sure that he learns to regularly eat prepared foods along with what he can forage.
The usual CUC, various snails and hermit crabs.
Lighting is 4x24W T5HO 50/50 daylight and actinic.

buttons buster

New Member
I don't think that there is any problem then.
You should just check on the corals every now and then and see i they get "worse."
I think that they'll be fine though.
Also try cutting back on feeding.