Plans for my tank


New Member
I've been researching a lot over the past week and I think I know what I'm going to get. What do you guys think?

12 gallon tank
One pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
3 small shrimp (any suggestions?)
3 small hermit crabs
Is that too much? I know inverts don't have a lot of bio-load.

I was thinking about keeping an anemone but I've been reading some different info on them. I know that clowns don't NEED an anemone but I've always liked them. If I were to get one it wouldnt be until about a year after the tanks been set up. Is there any anemone that would be good in a 12g or is it just best to stay away from them?


New Member
Ghost/glass shrimp are very interesting. I have one in my 29g and he's about 1/2 the size of my skunk cleaner. I wouldn't go more than 1-2 small or 1 skunk cleaner. Everything looks good though i would add a dozen snails in the mix too. A good rule is 1 per gallon.


New Member
Sexy Shrimp are pretty fun too. They're anemone shrimp and will find a home in an aneomone or anything that they can make theirs. Mine has made my xenia it's home. I've read that they do better in groups of 2 or 3 and are perfect in Nanos. I've been told by many to not even consider getting an anemone for a nano, however I've heard of people keeping mini carpet Anemone's in their Nano's and have had success.


New Member
If I were to get a 24g could I get a BTA? I would like having the extra room and it would get me more options.


New Member
Anemones are mobile and very sensitive. If you do get one be very diligent on the water parameters. I wouldn't recommend one but it is your tank and money.