Pin Cushion?


New Member
A friend of mine just gave me what apears to be a type of leather. He called it a pin cushion but I can not seem to find anything on the net about a pin cushion un less I decide to take up sewing. It is shaped like a large toad stoal with a bunch of tenticles sticking out of it. Does anyone know what another name for this could be?

The cool thing is my clowns have decided to host it. The problem is where they lay the tenticles are all pulled in so I am worried that they may kill it. Is this something I should worry about?



Staff member
Try to find a pic of a long polyped sacrophyton and see if thats it. HTH, Skip


New Member
I was given this sacrophyton almost a week ago I placed it in the tank on thursday about an hour or 2 later the polyps started to extend. When I came home on Friday from work I noticed my Clowns were hosting it. In the area they were laying the polyps were retracted. I was told this was normal and will happen until the sacrophyton gets use to the clowns. After reading more about this animal I decided to move it to an area in my tank that it would have more room to grow(this was done on friday evening). On Saturday morning I noticed the polyps coming back out then I noticed the clowns trying to host it again. I came back in the room a half hour later and all the polyps were retracted. I kept an eye on it for the remainer of the day hoping to see it start to come back out again. On Sunday morning I did not see the polyps extend at all so I moved it back to its original location thinking it was not happy with its current location. It is now Wednesday and it has not extended its polyps since the brief time on Saturday. I am at a loss. I am afraid that it is my clowns that are keeping it from extending but since it was ok on Friday with my clowns I am wondering if there is something else I need to look at?


New Member
Just leave it alone. Put it where it has room to grow, and then leave it be.
Constantly moving it around means it has to adjust to new currents/lighting each time. Your clowns may be irritating it a bit, but it'll probably get past that point if it's in one place for long enough to fully adjust to it. You might try adding a bit of cyclopeeze, or phyto to your water to see if you can coax it to extend it's polyps to feed.



New Member
That is what I though. I did try the cyclop-eeze but had no luck. I will just give it a few days and make sure I keep my hands out of the tank. Thanks for the advice


New Member
When I got home from work last night the polyps on the sacrophyton were fully extended. My clowns are now hosting my Xenia so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it but at least the sacrophyton looks great now, so I am happy.

Thanks again