pics from T&T


New Member
Nice and :welcome back Incysor hopefullly you will start to be active as you were..
by the way do u still have one tank or something?

... love the purple anemonea... nice i wish i could have one...



New Member
It's been a busy/rough year. My job has gotten steadily more busy, with folks leaving, and morale going downhill. Shannen decided in April that she didn't want to be married any longer. She moved to Seattle in August. Getting divorced should be easy for us, but it's complicated by a lawsuit and the bankruptcy following her treatment. I've been living with a friend for the last three months, and will probably be there another 2-3, before I can really decide on a more permanent living situation. Once that happens I'll be able to start thinking about setting up another aquarium, and devoting more time to the hobby again. I've still got the 75g and most of the equipment to set it back up. The only one I could keep running is my 6g work tank. It's doing ok. I've been fighting a cyano outbreak cause the water filter on our floor went bad, but I only lost one leather out of it. The clowns most of the corals, and the harlequin are all fine.



New Member
Ohh glad everything in the 6g tank and doing fine and well yeah as you said before about the SHANNEN issue feel so sorry about it :cry: but well young person chin up life is short and i bet something good is waiting for you ;-) ..... and well cant wait until you get stable and run your 75g so we can be in shock of the beauties that you'll put in it :shock: .... also miss the pics :???: .. LOL :mrgreen: ok B take care and cheers :beer: :)