Pico and I mean pico


New Member
sadielynn said:
yea I will keep them up for a bit to see how they function
I thought with the smaller of the 2 I would use MH and put a tang in it :mrgreen:
and the larger of the 2 pico will house a pair of maroon clowns with an anenome :lol3:
cant wait until i see some pictures of that sadye they are gonna look so cool :lol3: :lol:

eddy :cool1:


Staff member
As I recall they had 3 white LEDs and 3 blue ones, all staggered kinda like this:

Blue white Blue

white blue white

I thought you would be able to see the color differences where each of the LEDs was located but they seemed to blend together quite well. It could also have something to do with the tank being in a pretty well lit exhibit hall.