dragon79 said:
i'll give it a shot i guess, nothing to lose but 10 bucks, right? If that doesn't work, what if I drop that rock it's hiding in cold water for a little while....you think it'll come out all crazy or perish inside? All i know is those bristleworms work fast...as soon as something dies, you'll see it extend it's arm around it and attempt to feed. I saw one do that when the gumdrop died....it was in the tank for 5 min....then already you see bristle worm come out to snag it for dinner.
Yo incysor: that's crazy about that 7 foot worm, and how thick it was....I was like damn.
I definetly give the trap a try. Lots of people make their own and it does the trick for them. So far I just haven't had any luck with either one's I've made, or the store-bought ones.
One of the best methods I've seen for removing mantis shrimp, and unwanted bristleworms from LR, that doesn't have corals/sponges/etc.. on it is this.
Take two 5g buckets. Put a piece of eggcrate about 1/4-1/3 way up so that the critters exiting the rock will fall through the crate and end up in the bottom. Do this with both buckets.
Fill the first bucket up with RO/DI water.
Fill the second bucket up with a salt water that's supersaturated. Mix it up so that you're refratometer, or hyrometer can't read that high.
Dip the LR in the salt bucket for 10mins, then transfer it to the RO/DI bucket for 10mins. Repeat several times.
Some of the critters will crawl out in one or the other, trying to find more suitable water quality, fall through the crate and be trapped in the bottom of the bucket. Others will simply be stunned and extend out from their hidey holes and you can get them with a pair of forceps. They're definitely not their normal responsive selves and they're usually fairly easy to grab. I'm sure that others will simply be killed off by the fast, repeated switch between super-concentrated-salt, and fresh water.
I wouldn't do this with pieces of rock that have lots of corals attached obviously, but it doesn't seem to affect coraline, or any of your good bacteria cultures. At least it didn't when my boss and I did it on his two nano tanks.