Pic upload 101


New Member
Now that I'm ready to have a few pics accompany my posts, someone please offer a short 101 instruction to me on what size images to take and any useful "how toos". Any pointers on setting up the camera for best results would be great also. I catch on "pretty fast" so blaze away. The cam is a Nicon 5.0 megapixel. Thanks



New Member
I think it differs depending on your rating , but for me the pics have to be less than 600x600 pixels and smaller than .25 mp's.


New Member
Thanks Reefman. I knew if I searched long enough I'd find out what most folks already know. I've picked up on a few tips from prior threads. Still would appreciate any help saving time in the start-up. I've got some "interesting things" going on in my tank and I REALLY want to post some pics and get feedback. :)


New Member
It's not dependent on your rating at all.

You need to find someplace to host your images, that allows remote linking. There are lots of places out there. Personally I like photobucket. They're free membership is enough for most people, and if you're a heavier user like I am, they're one of the better deals out there @ $25 per year for unlimited bandwidth, and a gig of storage for images.

DJconn has been generous enough to host a few for people, but the system really isn't set up to host all our images, and the cost to do so is prohibitive.

I've posted links to the freeware/shareware progs I use to resize my images a couple times. But here's the most recent.


Keeping images to 600x600, helps to maintain the formatting of the board. It gets irritating to have to scroll sideways on each post because someone has posted a large image in a thread. Most standard size landscape images will come out to be 450x600.



New Member
If you go through the threads in the photography forum you'll find lots of hints, but this is the single best site I've seen for teaching you how to take better pics of your tank. It was put up by a fellow reefer to try to help out his local reef club, as well as others on Reefcentral.com


If you find it useful, drop him a note on the site, he's a wonderful person, and it's nice to let him know that others are finding his teaching helpful.



New Member

Thanks. That helps. I did get a couple pics to post of the "Cube" and it's algae issues. Off and running!


New Member
Is it appropriate to delete this topic now that I'm up and running or leave it for others to benefit from?



New Member
It would be better to leave it in case someone else comes along with the same questions, this way they can gain the same information from Incysor as you did!


New Member
Fine business. I personally feel I've moved up a notch in site ability. I'm looking forward to participating in the sharing of triumphs and tribulations :mrgreen: