OLD DEAD and DRIED Live Rock...?


New Member
Hi I am new to your forum and I have a live rock question for you all. My friend gave me some live rock that he had from his old reef tank. The rock has been in a box for about a year and is all dried out. I have a custom 20-gallon Nano tank that has been up for about three months now that I would like to eventually add the rocks to.

My question is how is the best way to cure and culture these old dried out rocks. I was planning on giving them a good fresh water scrub and soak for a couple of days. Then I was going to put them in a 20-gallon long tank that I have and fill it with salt water, do a water change and add some live rock and rubble.

Any thoughts???


New Member
my first reaction would be to cure it like you would any rock. add it to a bucket with a power head and maybe a heater. let it sit for a week and test your water. I would watch it for a few weeks to see if you get an ammonia spike...if not then i say add it to the tank. otherwise let it cycle out then add it.


New Member
I agree with Trogdor, but I would also scrub it really well with a brush to get off as much of the leftover dead materials as possible.



New Member
Thanks for your advice sounds like I’m on the right track… I think that I am going to throw them in my friend’s 29 gallon fuge after they have cycled. Get them all full of life before I add them to my tank…


Staff member
One thing I want to point out from a similar past experience, if the rock was ever in a tank that was treated with copper there is still residual copper in the LR. I got some old dried out rock like you describe and added it to some LR from a smaller tank and let the whole thing run its cycle, when I tried adding cleaners they kept dieing off right away. I kept testing and then retesting and all of the tests came back fine. The idea of copper finally cmae to me one night while I was thinking about the tank so I took a water sample to the LFS the next day (I have never used copper so I didn't have a test kit for it) and the copper level was at the same level as a high copper dose. I am not saying this rock is bad but I would probably check it for copper after it has been in water for awhile but before adding it to your friends refugium (or you could contmainate his system with copper).


New Member
Thanks for your warning I will be sure to watch for that. Definitely before putting it in my friend’s sump… He would wana Kung Fu for sure if I contaminated his tank…