

New Member
Fish yes. Corals....I wouldn't. I try to keep nitrates at 0. Have a LFS check your water to see if both tests come up the same.


New Member
Did you get a chance to do what Tim suggested? The possibility of you readings being off due to old test solutions is higher than one would might think. They could also be from a bad batch from the manufacturer. :sad:


New Member
no i have not i live in a small town. I plan on going in to the city this week end I will have it tested then.


New Member
ok did another small water change and nirates at 0. so I got 2 snails and a plate coral. thanks for all the help


New Member
Nitrates at 0 is quite an achievement.

Most people accept anything up to 20ppm.

I used to run at 20ppm before adding another square foot of 6 inch DSB. That put me down to 10ppm.

I sold or gave away all of my fish and CBS last week so I can concentrate on my corals for a few months. Nitrate was 0 within a day of getting the fish out of there.

I am now feeding the tank about half the food the fish used to get. This feeds the corals and the de-nitrifying bacteria that I need in the tank for when I re-stock.

Well done on your efforts. Great to see and record for everyone.