New Member
Hey there all
I have recently decided to take the big step from FW over to *shudder* the dark side
I was hoping that you'd be able to give me a few practical ideas on how to get started.
I am moving house in a week, and rearranging my current tanks (about 12, all FW, mainly bettas but also a few axies, a cray, killies, and the standard zippy colourful trops) and kicking the smaller axolotl out of her current abode in order to give this SW bizzo a good go
The tank that I'll have available is an AR380, which is 10usg, quite tall, and has a built-in light and filter (6" spraybar over media area) that produces decent circulation. Curved glass front too, very nice tank all in all.
From memory, I have used a half-dose of multicure (meth blue/malachite green/formalin) about 12 months ago, and that was many many water changes ago. Is this likely to still be in the silicone and is there anything that can be done for it short of stripping it back? I seem to remember some sort of copper suckerpad thing? I can't see any colour in the silicone at all if that makes a difference.
The current lighting setup is very very simple, just an 8w tube. I'm not confident with electrical stuff, but thats simply through lack of practice. I would prefer a CF in there, although it wouldn't be much stronger I suppose. Could i get away with the tube for now or will it all drop dead?
My original plan was seahorses, as they looked less killable than fish and squishy things, but it turns out that all 3 main seahorse farms in the country are not producing the whitei at the moment, and they were the ones I would have liked.
Modified plan is now hermit crabs as they also seem less killable and as another bonus, they are cheap
unfortunately that does have to play a role in my decisions as I have a betta addiction and now *sigh* a mortgage.
I am toying with the idea of those banded coral shrimp, but want to make sure I can do it before I outlay the cash.
Is this a doable plan?
What would be the absolute necessities for the basic setup to get it cycling? (please include the lot :lol
I have recently decided to take the big step from FW over to *shudder* the dark side
I am moving house in a week, and rearranging my current tanks (about 12, all FW, mainly bettas but also a few axies, a cray, killies, and the standard zippy colourful trops) and kicking the smaller axolotl out of her current abode in order to give this SW bizzo a good go
The tank that I'll have available is an AR380, which is 10usg, quite tall, and has a built-in light and filter (6" spraybar over media area) that produces decent circulation. Curved glass front too, very nice tank all in all.
From memory, I have used a half-dose of multicure (meth blue/malachite green/formalin) about 12 months ago, and that was many many water changes ago. Is this likely to still be in the silicone and is there anything that can be done for it short of stripping it back? I seem to remember some sort of copper suckerpad thing? I can't see any colour in the silicone at all if that makes a difference.
The current lighting setup is very very simple, just an 8w tube. I'm not confident with electrical stuff, but thats simply through lack of practice. I would prefer a CF in there, although it wouldn't be much stronger I suppose. Could i get away with the tube for now or will it all drop dead?
My original plan was seahorses, as they looked less killable than fish and squishy things, but it turns out that all 3 main seahorse farms in the country are not producing the whitei at the moment, and they were the ones I would have liked.
Modified plan is now hermit crabs as they also seem less killable and as another bonus, they are cheap
I am toying with the idea of those banded coral shrimp, but want to make sure I can do it before I outlay the cash.
Is this a doable plan?
What would be the absolute necessities for the basic setup to get it cycling? (please include the lot :lol