newbie in uk like some help


New Member
ok here goes im looking at setting up 2 tanks one at 7 gallons and the other at 15 gallons ... things in the uk it seems are not so well sorted for small reef tanks what i would like to do is try basics of just live sand bed and living rock a couple of power heads to give flow , no other filtration at all wot do you guys think


New Member
To do that would absolutely be possible it is often reffered to as a FOWLR
fish only with live rock ........ you would still add the sand the rock and the salt water and allow to cycle fully before adding any fish . As for the filter I would still recommend a hang on back filter to help keep the water clean and allow for the extra particals to be picked up .HTH I am sure others will have some input for you .


New Member
i have been reading info all over the place and have been reading alot on no filtration only natural filtration but fish corals and crabs shrimps and so on are being put in these sort of set ups ????

little urchin

New Member
hi bobpal....i'm from the UK too....

i have a 16 litre (18.5 USA litre) with LR, 3 fish (2 true percs and an orchid dottyback)and some hermits/shrimp

i use 2 X 600lph powerheads for circulation...but also have a trickle filter (built into the hood) with LR plus Rowaphos (phosphate remover) and purigen (synthetic actvated carbon substitute)...this seems to work fine....i'm only a few months in

i don't have corals....but i do have 5 brown button polyps (LR hitchikers...which seem to be doing ok)