newbe frag help


New Member
Hi all. This is my first post. I have a 12 gal cube that has been cycling for a few weeks. My numbers are all zero and my cuc is thriving. A friend dropped off two frags rubber banded to small pieces of lr.The frags fell off and I'm not sure of the best way to anchor them onto my rock. Is using rubber bands the best way or is there a better way. Thanks for all the help from everyone just by reading the forums. You guys are great. Rich


New Member
:welcome to Nanotank Rich!

I think before anyone can really help we need to know what kind of frags you have? The rubberband trick works on some corals but not all.

Do you have any pictures of your tank?

What kind of Cuc do you have?


New Member
:welcome Rich
I think Jennie covered it ..
I would like to add be careful with the cucs in tanks these small they tend to starve and die off fairly quickly .....they can nuke your tank if this happens ...Looking forward to seeing pics of your tank :mrgreen: