New to Saltwater


New Member

I've been keeping freshwater fish for a couple of years now. I know about cycling and all that good stuff. I went to the pet store today to pick up a couple of fish. One of the people there knew that I've been keeping FW for a while and suggested starting a small SW tank. I've always wanted a saltwater tank. They had a little Nano Display tank and I really liked how it looked. I talked to my parents and they said I could get it for my birthday. I still have a few months untill I get it but I want to start research now because I know there's a lot I need to learn. I hope to learn a lot from this site and hopefully have a nice nanotank set up soon.


New Member
You are definitely doing this the most responsible way you can, researching ahead of time.
It's a virtue that most adults don't have.
Two thumbs up!!!


New Member
I didn't have that virtue. It would be a lot easier though if I knew I was getting a tank in advance. Welcome to the wild world of Nanotank. It's a fun place to be. Do you Race or watch MX? Know anyone looking for a 2001 CR250? Daddy need s a new light fixture.


New Member
Thanks for the welcomes. I guess my first question is, what size is a good start? I've seen 6, 12 and 24 gallon kits.

And Kidnano, I use to race but now I just ride for fun.


New Member
Hondamx said:
And Kidnano, I use to race but now I just ride for fun.
Good for you. I didn't start riding till I was 20 so I never really got into racing. Kinda late start. Anyway. I love the sport and love riding, but now I have a kid and a wife............ No time for Daddy to do Daddy things. Gonna miss RC though that's for sure.

As for size of your tank. That is totally dependent on what you want to put in it or how much your parents are going to pay for. Live Rock is expensive and so is Coral so if there isn't much money I'd stay smaller so it doesn't look empty.

Good luck deciding.