New to Salt Water & Oceanic BioCube-several ?'s


New Member
I just ordered a 29 gallon Oceanic BioCube. It's my first salt water aquarium and I'm very excited about starting it! Since I'm a beginner I'd like to create a very basic salt water aquarium (nothing to complicated since I'm just a newbi!). I plan on purchasing prepared saltwater from my LFS (I thought I'd reduce the chance of making mistakes by doing this). I'm also working on a somewhat limited budget. Here are my questions:

1. How affective are 'bacterial additives' products in the cycling process? Should I use one?
2. If I use a bacterial additive, are there any that you recommend and how would this affect the length of the cycling process?
3. I read about a bacterial additive product called Dr Tim's "One and Only Nitrifying Bacteria", is anyone familiar with this?
4. I understand that the normal cycling process takes 4-8 weeks, how will I know when it's done?
5. What substrate is best? I've heard of 'live sand', would you recommend this or another substrate?
6. When do I add the live rock to the aquarium, and how much should I use in a 29 Gal. BioCube?
7. I'd eventually like to add a clown I need to provide a sea anemone? Are sea anemone difficult to care for?
8. I understand the Oceanic BioCube does not come with a heater or a protien skimmer...any advice?

If there is any additional advice you can provide, I would greatly appreciate it!