New to Nanotank forum


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum, actually I'm new to any forum, but I thought this looked like just my place.
I'm not new to reefkeeping. I used to have a 75 gal. SW tank, but had to sell it about 4 yrs ago when I had some health issues & could no longer afford it or take care of it.
Now, I just have to get back at it. I've been thinking about a 12 gal. nano tank as that should be easy for me to handle, but then I start thinking about a 24 gal. If anyone has any tips or comparisons or negative remarks, please let me know. I can't afford halloid lights, so that's out.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi & find out all I can. Thanks!


New Member
:welcome to!

I would suggest either size... that is sort of up to you. If you cant spend the money on halides, then I would personally suggest a 12g. In my opinion a 24g would do better with a 150 watt or higher metal halide. Power compacts just would cut it IMO. A 12g would be just fine with power compacts however. I would suggest looking around for a used setup to save yourself some $$$. Craigslist and some of the other larger forums are littered with used 12g setups. I would avoid the eclipse type tanks as they just arent made for saltwater tanks. Any of the nanocubes, aquapods, biocubes, etc are all good choices.

I hope that helps.



New Member
There was a site link somewhere here with a setup that had T5 lighting (which if it has individual reflectors is almost as good as, if not better, than MH). Let me look and see if I can find it.