New to Nano


New Member
I have been into saltwater tanks for only about 3 years now, and am new to nano tanks SO let me say hello to everyone here at nano

I have a couple newb questions about nanos and tanks in general, if you have any info plz post!

I am moving and want to bring my collection of mushrooms with me, but not my 60gal tank. I have decided nano is the way to go.

1. Can I use live rock and water from my existing tank to fill a new 10-12g tank? - will the tank then be ready for my corals from my 60 gal tank or will the tank require a cycling process?

2. Do i have to have a sand bottom in my nano, or can i just place rock? If I do not have the sand will I still be able to keep some of my best critters from my sand bottom?

3. are DIY settups on regular 10 gals just as healthy and cost efficient as buying a 180 dollar nano?

thanks again for any info


New Member
First off, WELCOME to!

Secondly, you can use the rock and sand from your old tank to begin your new nano... there shouldnt be any sort of cycle.

Thirdly, I personally dont like bare bottom tanks, but they can be done. Those that do it usually use a cuttingboard surface called starboard in place of sand. Without the sand, I dont think you will be able to keep the sand-dwelling creature, but that depends on what they are.

Lastly, I personally prefer the 10g DIY'ers over the all-in-one tanks because of the future flexibilty that you have should you decide to "upgrade" the lighting, filtration, etc.




New Member
Thanks Jesse,

Should I use the sand from my existing tank?
Also, what components are necessary for a DIY? maybe I should check that forum...thanks!


New Member
welcome to nanotank :mrgreen:

i second jesse's opinion on bare bottom.

what he means by DIY is that you buy what filter you want, how much lighting, heater, PH, and ect. instead of getting it in a package all in one. the DIY forum is for project ppl built from scratch, like canopy/stand, filter box, ect...

i would also use the sand from your existing tank......HTH