New Oceanic Biocube


New Member
Hello all, I just bought a new oceanic 29 bio cube. I guess I have a couple of questions. It says 29 it doesn't say 29 gallons which I thought it was but looking at it I'm not sure. How can I tell? Should I replace the bioballs with live rock in the filter system? I've been reading a lot and it seems a lot of people don't like the bioballs. I also got the little protein skimmer that goes with the it. Not sure where to put it. It doesn't fit where the intake valve is for the water and the first filter before the bioballs are. But it does fit after the bioballs and sponge filter by the water pump. Is that right? Thanks in advance!!!


New Member
You can use a calculator like this one to figure out the true volume of the tank...

You should remove the bioballs if you plan on creating a reef tank.

I think you are right about the skimmer placement too.

Hope that helps and WELCOME to!


p.s. Can you post a picture or two of the tank?


New Member
Okay so I will replace bioballs. I would love to post pictures but not real sure how to do that, I do have a digital camera will see what I can do. And was that put the protein skimmer by the return pump? It looks like my tank is about 20 gallons thanks for the link to the calculator!



New Member
im just curious but why would she want to remove the bio balls? is a wet/dry filter bad for a reef?, please forgive me if this is a stupid question but im new to reefs, also I don’t mean to highjack this thread


Staff member
Bioballs are too efficient at processing waste and cause nitrates to rise quickly, by using your LR as your biological filter it allows other tank inhabitants a chance to dispose of waste products naturally before they are broken down into nitrates.


New Member
Yeah bio balls, ceramic rings things, bio wheels, etc, etc create nitrate really quickly and for a reef this is not exactly a great thing.


New Member

Thanks for the info. I'm new too and was curious as well.


No question is a stupid question if you don't know the answer. You just may end up asking a question that someone else didn't think of yet or that us newbie's just didn't know.


Michelle :mrgreen: