new ap 24??


New Member
Hey getting started with my tank already ditched the stock pump replaced with a mj 900 in it stock location. going to add koralia nano power head was wondering on a good location? it is easy mount with it magnet system it can be place on glass. Also ditched the blue filter along with ceramic ring bags and media balls plan on making a reef tank. been reading alot online figure im going to use filter floss,live rock , and a chemi pure bag.Im not sure how to stack this in the ap24 single filter chamber?also any idea if i should use a media bag with the live rock rubbel? and how much rock rubbel?and how often and how do you clean or replace the live rock and filter floss? any help I can get is great!!


New Member
I wouldn't put any rubble in the back chambers. If you use enough LR in the main display you won't need it back there anyway. Such a pain in the but to clean out. becomes a ditrius trap. If you have the means I would put a Fuge light back there with some Chaeto, activated carbon and filter floss and call it a day.
Chaeto is macroalgae, which sucks up unwanted nutrients from the water (known as "nutrient export", usually done in the refugium). This reduction of nitrates and other waste products serves to help the animals in the main tank grow and also to keep pest microalgae growth to a minimum.

Ritsuko N

New Member
For this macro algae to really do much in the way of good you must get a start of it, grow it, then remove a majority of it (exporting of nutrients) and then allow it to grow more.

There are many algaes that are used for this process in refugiums for reef tanks. Cheato is just one of the better ones. It doesnt exude growth inhibitors like some Caulerpa varieties do. Additionally it is unlikely that it will "melt down" on you as much as other varieties do. Its very fast growing and it makes for a great enviorment for 'pods to live and breed in.