New 6G Nano Tank (first time)


New Member
GRR i cant find any substitue for chemi pure, i just want everything to go smoothly, so basically im looking for somthing that removes phosphates and silicates?

Also i dont think they sell any macro algae at the lfs, is it really critical to have it? sigh so far my filter just has normal activated carbon.


New Member
Don't worry about the chemipure. Get a decent quality granulated activated carbon.... Not the pellets. Most of the just carbon anyways... Don't fall for the hype. Also, I wouldn't be too concerned about the phosphates and silicates either as long as you are using good water like ro/di. Also, if you don't have access to the chaeto, its not the end of the world. All I am running is chemipure (only because I got them for 3 for $5 at an expo or else it is usually just carbon) and some rubble rock. You will come to find out that water changes will be you most important source of filtration in a nano reef.



New Member
Forgot about filter floss... Is a good idea to run a small piece of sponge with some filter floss... Just go to a craft store and buy a small bag of polyester fill. Make air to change it out once or twice a week though.



New Member
Sigh, thanks so much for that Jesse your really alot of help, to be honest im really stressing, and i dont know why, ok i think its time i start cycling, ill go buy some activated carbon tomorow, and hopefully i get all this light stuff done too.

Thanks evryone who posted a reply, it was really alot of help!

wish me luck ;-)


New Member
I have an odd question. Can't an Ebay purchase be shipped to you? I'm sorry for the ignorant question, but for something like chemi pure and other lighter items the shipping couldn't be THAT high....could they?


New Member
its not worth it, well thats my opinion... e.g. a product i want is $4 then the shipping to aus is usually around $20 and thats not garunteed the item will come in good condition etc, i usually find something similar to what i want at the lfs for around the same total.