yeah go to the thread "Ok On to a new project I am going to upgade my tank" it show some its not the best setup but I am still working on it some tech info on what I am running though
AGA 10gal tank
coralife 18w 9inch light with 1 10k and one atinic
aqaua clear 70 HOB filter
coralife digital thermoter
DIY Stand and Canopey
and a Penn-Plex 50w heater
With the lighting though I would go with like the 20" coralife something that puts out more watts but that depends on what your planning on keeping I have been told you should average 2-3 watts per gallon of water so the lowest I would recommend would be a 36w fixture but I would still look into even more I am either going to be adding a 70w metal halide to mine or getting a 96 w retro kit to install in my canopey not sure which yet but if you have any more "?'s" feel free to ask if I dont know one of these great folks on here with have the answer for you Very knowledgeable group of people in this group.

and :welcome to